Tuesday, April 16, 2013

27 things your Teacher Librarian does!

I saw this infographic on What Librarians Do and I absolutely love it.  With a little over a month left before school gets out and with the task of beginning an end of the year inventory - I challenge you to look at one box a day and reflect on that one thing.  For example: Day One :Teaches - how many students were you able to reach via classes or in the library setting to see that they could locate and share information.  Or, Day Two: Tweets - do you tweet and post events on twitter?

How many of these things can you honestly say you do?  If you find yourself saying,  "I want to do this more," take the time to make a calendar of those things.  I found that if I make year long plan, I can plug in new things with the old things and I won't forget.  (I have to give Cindy credit for getting me to make this year long calendar  - she was the perfect partner!)

 I would like to thank Mia MacMeekin for having it available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.


  1. I Love this graphic!! Makes me think that we have a lot to do so we better get going!

  2. You'll do anything to make me Tweet, won't you?
