Which social media works for you?
I love using Facebook to reach patrons. Updates come regularly and easily for me... but the blogs,wikis, and tweeting I started over the past few years all died within weeks.
Some of this stuff just wasn't working for me... Until Ann asked me to blog with her.
What are the benefits of a blog-partner?
Ann and I have different strengths. Instead of feeling the need to master EVERYTHING in order to have a successful blog, I blog about my area of expertise while Ann shares hers. I no longer feel overwhelmed by the tidal wave of technology coming at me, and I don't feel obligated to write about things that really don't hold my interest. Yet, I also feel motivated to stretch.
Our weekly tasks vary. Sometimes one of us is opening a new facility or teaching students to research, while the other has more desk time and flexibility. It is nice to know the blog will be updated by my partner when I'm swamped and she is not. Conversely, it feels good be able to sustain this project when my partner is busy with other tasks.
I learn from Ann, she learns from me. I like to discover new tools, but she is a master at applying them to our current situation. She continually inspires me to stretch my comfort zone and try new things.
When my last blog died, nobody knew and nobody cared. It was my little secret. But with this blog, I feel the need to do my fair share. We have no formal agreement to take turns or a monthly minimum number of posts, but I know Ann is counting on me just as I am counting on her.
We don't often proof each others' posts, but the option is always there. When topics feel controversial or something is difficult to express, we have another brain off which to bounce our words before they go public.
Is there a technology tool that intimidates you? Who do you know that is waiting for an invitation to stretch?
I recently discovered http://twolibrariesonevoice.blogspot.com/, the blog of John Schu and Shannon Miller. These two librarians are in different states, connecting their students and their ideas.