Using Padlet in and out of the Library
Okay fellow bloggers, help me out here. I happened upon this gem called Padlet, formally known as wallwisher. What is that you ask?
I love that not only can you post ideas, but also you can post documents, slide shows, and videos! I was able to get an account with my Google account - so it took a mere 4 seconds to sign in. Then, I was given an option for an icon and backgrounds. See below....
You are able to choose between a streaming list of responses or a free form list of responses.
Padlet allows you to easily embed your wall within seconds. I am thrilled to see this new updated version and I hope you will take the time to add to the wall below. I see numerous ways that this can be used in the library and within subject areas like ELA, Science and Humanities. So go ahead and share your ideas with us all!